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How does Par Club decide

The responsibility of Par Club is to safeguard the quality of life in the Village, thereby helping to maximize property values.


The quality of life in any community is always best determined by the quality of those living in the community. While the right of first purchase has rarely been exercised, it has proven to be a valuable tool.


The Par Club considers a buyer's own history, past behaviors, and financial responsibility in its assessment. Just as condominium boards and homeowner's associations perform background checks, Par Club reviews potential buyers in a similar manner.


To understand the importance of this review, it’s not uncommon that a family trust is charged with a rapid  liquidation of an estate in our Village. While the original owner may have intended otherwise, this can happen without much thought to the buyer or their impact on our community. In that circumstance, Par Club can utilize its right of first purchase to properly vet a potential buyer.


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